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Calligra 2.6 Release Candidate 3

The Calligra team hereby announces the third release candidate of the Calligra Suite. The second release candidate was released without any announcement but was picked up by linux distributions and published. This release candidate fixes a very important  recalculation bug in Calligra Sheets. We urge all users to try it out so that the final release can be free of this bug.

Try It Out

The source code of this version is available for download here: calligra-2.5.94.tar.bz2. Also many binary packages are available for various operating systems and distributions. This release is packaged for Windows by KO GmbH, and you can find it on their download page.

Now we have an experimental package for Mac OS X. It's available for download here: here. More information about installation and removal can be found here.

The new features in version 2.6 can be seen in the announcements of the  2.6 alpha and 2.6 beta versions.

About the Calligra Suite

Calligra is a KDE community project. Learn more at