Calligra Words is an intuitive word processor application with desktop publishing features. With it, you can create informative and attractive documents with ease. Calligra Words makes adding images, charts etc to your documents effortless. It’s as simple as dragging it onto the document.

KEXI is a visual database applications creator. It can be used for designing database applications, inserting and editing data, performing queries, and processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All database objects – tables, queries, forms, reports – are stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design.

Plan is a project management application. It is intended for managing moderately large projects with multiple resources.To enable you to model your project adequately, Plan offers different types of task dependencies and timing constraints. The usual use case is to define your tasks, estimate the effort needed to perform each task, allocate resources and then let Plan schedule the tasks according to network and resource availability.

Old Components
These are some of the older components of Calligra Suite. These components are no longer a part of Calligra. They are now either standalone apps or unmaintained.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024
Calligra 4.0
Calligra is the office and graphics suite developed by KDE and is the successor to KOffice. With some traditional parts like Kexi and Plan having an independent release schedule, this release only contains the four following components:
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Thursday, 28 January 2021
Calligra Plan version 3.3.0 released
We are pleased to announce the relase of Calligra Plan 3.3.0.
** Main changes: **
* Allow to print a selectable time range. * Fit printout to page height. * Fit printout to a single page * Print the chart on multiple pages. * Uses a color palette suitable for printing on white paper * Use the mouse or mouse weel to zoom the datetime scale.* Bug 415041 - Default calendar not set when creating new project
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Thursday, 14 May 2020
Calligra 3.2.1
We are happy to announce the release of Calligra 3.2.1.
Fixes in This Release * Sheets: Workarounf for Bug 421336 - Sheets crash (sometimes) when loading LO generated files * Styels: Write correct path to manifest also when styles is not in top level dir * Guard agains crash if view has no parent * Include existing documentation for Sheets and Stage.
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Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Calligra 3.2
We are happy to announce the immediate release of Calligra 3.2. This release contains two years of work carried out on KDE's office suite and brings improvements to Gemini, new features to Karbon, and many bug fixes and improvements that make Calligra more compatible with LibreOffice.
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